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Vassar College, as it is in all communities, finds it necessary to safeguard personal property and to be aware of established security regulations. The college employs men and women, both in uniform and plain clothes, dedicated to providing a safe, peaceful campus for your enjoyment and an environment conducive to academic endeavors. Vassar is one of the few colleges where a security officer is assigned to residence houses at night. These men and women are on campus for your help and protection.

Should you need help, dial extension 7333. All suspicious circumstances and individuals should be reported to Security for investigation and evaluation.

Safety and Security Resources

  • Parking
  • Escort and Shuttle Services
  • Download full Fire & Safety Report
  • Crime Statistics
  • About Campus Alerts and Advisories
  • Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment
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  • Building Access Form
  • Key Permission Form
  • Vehicle Request Form

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Call (845) 437-7333
View more Emergency Info

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Call (845) 437-5221

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(845) 437-5200
New Hackensack Building
Vassar College Box
View Staff

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  • Weekdays: 8:30am – 4:30pm

Safety and Security at Vassar College
124 Raymond Avenue, shadowsockr安卓客户端百度云盘, Poughkeepsie, New York 12604-0717
  • Office: New Hackensack Building
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  • Fax (845) 437-7280
  • Admission
  • ©Vassar College
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